The European Review of Organised Crime (EROC)
is an editorial project born under the aegis of the European Consortium for Political Research’s Standing Group on Organised Crime (ECPR’s SGOC). It is designed to provide a forum for the study and analysis of organised crime in its different local, national, and international manifestations by promoting a dialogue between the research community and practitioners.
We invite publications on any topic related to organised crime including, but not limited to, country case studies, national narratives, policy-making approaches and methodological aspects of research on organised crime. We welcome theoretical and empirical studies as well as research reports from all disciplines (such as criminology, criminal justice, political science, law, security studies, sociology, gender studies, economics, media studies, anthropology, and history).
In order to stimulate constructive discussions, EROC also invites contributions from experts from the non-academic community such as practitioners, policy-makers, and journalists working on issues relating to organised crime across the globe.