Call for Panel and Papers, 3-6 September 2014, Glasgow

Call for Panels and Papers

Understanding and Tackling the Roots of Insecurity: Terrorism, Transnational Organised Crime and Corruption

Following the success of the Standing Group on Organised Crime (SGOC)’s section at the ECPR General Conference in Bordeaux in 2013, SGOC members have proposed a new section “Understanding and Tackling the Roots of Insecurity: Terrorism, Transnational Organised Crime and Corruption” for the ECPR General Conference in Glasgow in 2014.

This section aims to shed light onto the increasing prevalence of transnational threats, which have left an imprint on notions of sovereignty, and national and international security, as well as affected communities and individuals worldwide. It also aims to examine in detail a series of phenomena that are currently understood as transnational security threats, including, but not limited to, terrorism and terrorism financing, transnational organised crime in its various manifestations, environmental crime, illegal migration, cyber-crime, and illicit economics of failed states and (post)-conflict areas. The section calls for assessments on the relevance of these problems for the security of the international and European communities, both states and individuals. Among other objectives, the section invites to discuss the ways national governments and international and supranational organisations have come to understand such transnational threats, proposed strategies to counter them and acted upon them.

By addressing these key issues, we expect to engage with the continued debate on conventional and alternative theoretical approaches towards defining, studying and responding to terrorism, organised crime and corruption in various parts of the world and by various actors. Considering the disciplinary diversity existing in this area, this debate could be instrumental in building bridges across academic and methodological traditions.

The section of the SGOC welcomes panels/individual papers on topics related (but not limited to) to the following topics:
1. Critical Reflections on the Concepts of Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption
2. Policy-Making Responses to Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption
3. The Nexus between Terrorism and Organised Crime
4. Violent Extremism and Radicalization
5. Law Enforcement Responses to Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption
6. Emerging Forms and Manifestations of Organised Crime
7. Contemporary Border Security Challenges
8. Non-State Responses to Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption

A selection of best papers presented at the SGOC section in Glasgow will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of The European Review of Organised Crime (EROC).

Contact and submission details

The deadline for full panels and individual papers is 15 February 2014. All submissions should be made online through the MyECPR part of the ECPR website. Should you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Yuliya G. Zabyelina, University of Edinburgh (yuliya.zabyelina(at) or Helena Farrand Carrapico, University of Dundee (Helena.carrapico(at)